A Vibrant World

By nature I love life, so I find it difficult to imagine choosing an existence devoid of earthly beauty, pleasure, play, dancing, and imagination. My aesthetic decisions favor a vibrant, colorful world, and I’ve rejected the advice of those who favor a somber, gray world and a world of limited imagination.

The_Garden_of_the_Hesperides350In that spirit, I have explored theatrical illusions and imaginative borderlands and embraced my desire to enchant audiences. I’ve ignored warnings about the danger of keeping company with shape-shifting actors and fantastic fabulations such as witches, ruthless killers, and pleasure-hungry Sirens and Muses.

Personally, I find them fascinating company. I’ll admit Muses can be demanding and hard to please. They assume I’m there to serve them, and they constantly urge me to create something new and captivating to engage them. Nonetheless, their enthusiasm is priceless.